
Old enough to…

IMG_1594A Di’s Diamonds outing to Purfleet Heritage & Military Centre on a private bus

In the eighth of a series of articles looking at the work of Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering, Janet West introduces Di’s Diamonds, which is now offering a social calendar of events for local over-50s

Di’s Diamonds is a group of men and women, single or partnered and aged 50-plus, from all walks of life and backgrounds, who want to get out and about, socialise and make friends.

We understand that doing these things on your own can sometimes be daunting, especially if you haven’t socialised in a while.

The group was originally set up by two ladies – Diane and Cathy – on a voluntary basis in Havering, organising coffee mornings, lunches and outings, but as the numbers grew, it became difficult to manage. Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering took it over and, thanks to funding from the London Borough of Havering and the Big Lottery Community fund, we have been able to employ three coordinators, Kim, Fiona and Kate. This means we can now organise activities in Redbridge, Havering and Barking and Dagenham. We offer a number of opportunities, including:

  • Coffee mornings
  • Lunches
  • Bowling
  • Irish dancing
  • Museum and exhibition outings
  • Creative arts and crafts
  • Chair exercise and tai chi
  • Music sessions
  • Walks, and lots more

Volunteers host many of the events and also join in the fun. We pride ourselves on welcoming everyone, and members and volunteers tell us what other activities they would like and we do our best to accommodate them on a monthly calendar of events.

The calendar also lists events which are already in place across the three boroughs, as well as events we have arranged ourselves. This gives a much bigger choice of activities, and members can access activities in any of the three areas.

Spring is in reach, and with longer days to look forward to, and hopefully warmer temperatures, it’s the ideal time to think about the months ahead, so why not try out a new activity and take the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends?

You simply need to sign up to become a member to access the activities and joining is free! Perhaps you would like to host an activity as one of our volunteers? Please do give us a call or send an email if you would like further information.

For more information on Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering and Di’s Diamonds, call 020 8220 6000, email disdiamonds@ageukrbh.org.uk or visit wnstd.com/ageuk
Author: Editor