A communal compost bin will be temporarily installed on Christ Church Green this month. The only thing you have to do is to throw in your fruit and veg scraps, says Yann Corre
Every year, London Local Authorities collect more than 3.6 million tons of waste, and generating more rubbish for waste collection day means more lorries using more fuel and causing more air pollution and greenhouse gases to be released. Considering the current geopolitical and climate situation, there is an urgency to reduce our fuel consumption and carbon footprint in general.
But there is good news! There is one simple thing households can do that would lead to a huge reduction in waste: composting!
Some 30% to 40% of rubbish thrown away could be composted, including garden waste like dead leaves, grass cuttings and twigs, and kitchen waste such as uncooked fruit and veg scraps, coffee grounds and certain tea bags. Composting is a brilliant way of dealing with food waste, as well as scrap paper and card.
The general principle is to mix around 50% soft green material (grass clippings, weeds, uncooked vegetables) with 50% woody brown material (prunings, wood chippings, shredded paper, cardboard or dead leaves). This mix is important to maintain optimal moisture in the system; if it gets too wet, the compost bin can become smelly. Mixing the compost regularly is also crucial as it is an aerobic process (with oxygen).
Composting significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It doesn’t take up much space and produces a soil improver that’s great for the garden and perfect for growing your own plants.
For Wanstead residents who don’t have space for their own compost bins, and for people willing to try this experience, Cleaner Greener Wanstead and Redbridge Council will install a shared compost bin on Christ Church Green this month. It will be placed on the grass verge near the entrance of the church (Wanstead Place), open to everyone, for a few weeks.
As an experiment, we aim to invite as many people as we can to start composting. The only thing you have to do is to throw your fruit and veg food waste into the bin and we will manage it. The compost generated could be used by everyone for gardening.
Workshops, support, advice and tips will be provided to teach you what food waste can be thrown in and how you can store your kitchen waste for a few days in your home before dropping them into the communal bin. Our approach is totally flexible, so do not hesitate to contact us for any information.
Let’s get composting!
The Christ Church Green communal compost bin will be available in early June. For more information on the initiative, visit wnstd.com/compost