
It’s bin good!


Yann Corre updates on the success of the Christ Church Green communal compost bin trial, and invites residents to local composting workshops as part of The Great Big Green Week

At the end of June, Cleaner Greener Wanstead and Redbridge Council installed a compost bin on Christ Church Green. It was placed on the grass verge near the entrance of the church. 

Open to everyone, this compost bin is an invitation to reduce our waste and greenhouse gas emissions. The only thing you have to do is throw your fruit and veggie food waste into the bin. And people have been using the bin with success. Tea bags, coffee grounds and appropriate cardboard boxes and packaging have also been recycled in the compost. 

Every year, London Local Authorities collect more than 3.6 million tons of waste, and generating more rubbish for waste collection day means more lorries using more fuel and causing more air pollution and greenhouse gases to be released. Composting significantly reduces waste and greenhouse gas emissions. It doesn’t take up much space and produces a soil improver that’s great for the garden and perfect for growing your own plants.

We regularly check the Christ Church Green bin to make it successful. We mix the matter once a week, which is crucial as it is an aerobic process (with oxygen). In order to maintain optimal moisture in the system, it is recommended to add around 50% of soft green material (grass clippings, weeds, uncooked vegetables) with 50% woody brown material (prunings, wood chippings, shredded paper, cardboard or dead leaves). The composting process takes six to nine months.  

No bad smells or major misuses were observed after more than a month of use, and we would like to thank all users for respecting the few rules to make this trial a success. 

If you are interested in this process, come and have a look at the bin and start composting. You will see it is very simple and your general waste bin will be much lighter. 

The Great Big Green Week will take place from 24 September to 2 October. This is the UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature. During this week, two interactive workshops will take place here in Wanstead. This will be the perfect opportunity to share with us any questions you may have about composting. Support, advice and tips will be provided to teach you what food waste can be thrown in. We will also discuss how you can store your kitchen waste for a few days in your home before dropping it in the communal bin. We look forward to seeing you all during this week, but do not hesitate to contact us right now if you want more information about composting or if you are ready to try it!

Composting workshops will take place by the bin on 29 September (5.15pm to 6.15pm) and on 1 October (10.15am to 11.15am). For more information and advice, email yann-corre@hotmail.com

Author: Editor