
Road to flood protection


Redbridge Council’s Flood Awareness Roadshow will visit Wanstead this month. Head of Highways Dhiresh Bhatt reports on what the sessions will offer local residents

A Flood Awareness Roadshow will take place across Redbridge this month and into July, offering local people information and advice on how to protect their homes from flash flooding in the borough.

The community-based events are being led by Redbridge Council, with the Highways Team and partner organisations, including the Environment Agency and Thames Water, offering interactive sessions and advice on flood defence measures for local homes. Residents are invited to join us and ask any questions. There will also be the chance to:  

  • Discover how the council is helping protect local homes in areas prone to flooding.
  • Watch demos and view examples of anti-flooding devices for the home, and learn what you can do to help reduce flooding.
  • Find out about local schemes aimed at reducing flood risks in the borough.
  • Meet and hear from partner organisations working with the council on local flood alleviation schemes.
  • Receive a free leaflet packed with information on staying flood aware, how to protect your home and what to do in a flooding emergency, along with lots of other useful advice.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Civic Pride, Councillor Jo Blackman, said: “Redbridge is seeing the impacts of climate change with more frequent bouts of flooding from torrential rain. The roadshows will be a great way to find out more about what the council is doing to tackle flooding in Redbridge. It’s also an opportunity to find out what you can do to help reduce flood risks in the borough and protect your own property.”

Head to the roadshows to find out about the measures being taken to tackle flooding across the borough. These measures include:

  • Rain gardens, which help reduce flooding by absorbing rainwater and draining it away slowly to help stop sewer systems becoming overwhelmed. Several have already been created in Clayhall and Wanstead, with more planned.
  • Partnerships: the council is taking a collaborative approach towards reducing flood risks in the borough. The Environment Agency is proceeding with a flood defence scheme for River Roding, helping alleviate flood risks to over 2,000 local homes.
  • Gully sensors, which are being used at flooding hotspots to provide real-time data showing how blocked a drain is

The roadshow will come to Christ Church Green, by Woodbine Place, Wanstead, on 20 June from 5pm to 7.30pm. For other locations, visit wnstd.com/flood

Author: Editor