
New year career


There’s something powerful about the blankness of a new year that encourages many of us to make life changes. Here, Wanstead resident and career coach Siân Morgan talks about career progression in 2023

People have been making New Year’s resolutions for what seems like forever. And according to a YouGov poll in 2021, one in seven Brits planned to make a New Year’s resolution for the coming year, with 19% of them keen to focus on a career goal.  

Many of us have never set a career goal and that’s OK, but if you aspire to a particular job or have something specific you would like to achieve professionally, it can really help to have one. Career goals are professional targets you set yourself. Some people have a long-term goal that’s related to an overall career ambition, such as to be CEO of a big business. Others may set themselves a short-term goal, such as to get promoted in the next six months or to move to a new organisation whose purpose or product energises them.  

A career goal is a very individual thing because it’s about what you personally aspire to, so there’s no right or wrong. What’s clear though, is that the career goals most likely to be achieved are those which are specific and realistic, but which also excite and motivate. 

If you’ve decided your 2023 career goal is to find a new job, there are a few things you can do to boost your chance of early success. 

Get ‘market ready’
Know what sort of opportunity you’re looking for and why, then be ready to articulate this to prospective recruiters. Make sure your CV is up to date and is targeted for the type of role you would like to secure. Tweak it if applying for a specific vacancy. You should also update your LinkedIn profile. Make sure it has a professional photo and it accurately reflects the career history outlined in your CV. Use the ‘about’ section to bring your profile to life.  

Decide on your job search strategy
Roles advertised on online job boards are the obvious route to find out about vacancies, but tend to be highly competitive. Employment agencies can be useful in making you aware of other vacancies for which you’re likely to be shortlisted, and this can boost the likelihood of you securing a role quickly. However, the extent to which agencies will work for you will often depend on the relationship you have with the consultant and how marketable they believe your profile to be.

Did you know that a substantial proportion of job vacancies are never advertised? This is called the ‘hidden’ job market and you can tap into this through your personal and professional contact network. Let your network know you would like to hear about opportunities.

Job searching can be frustrating at times and each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Combine them to get a more rounded picture of the job market and the relevant vacancies out there.

Siân Morgan is an ICF accredited career coach. Visit bloomscoaching.com or call 07977 540 874

Author: Editor