
Does the Roman road from London to Colchester pass over Wanstead Flats?


A geophysical survey has been carried out on part of Wanstead Flats in an attempt to determine if the line of the Roman road from London to Colchester passes across the Flats as opposed to the modern Romford Road, as is commonly believed.

“There has long been a school of thought that this important Roman highway actually ran a little to the north, along the ancient track which is now known as Windmill Lane and Forest Lane, and continuing through the Flats… A very definite parch mark is visible along the southern extremity of the Flats (Manor Park Flats),” said a Friends of Wanstead Parklands spokesperson.

Architect Mark Willingale obtained permission from Epping Forest to carry out a survey of the area around the parch mark. “Initial ground resistivity investigations were inconclusive but suggest that we need further investigation to prove this theory. The gathering of evidence continues,” said Mark.

Author: Editor