
Safety in numbers

DSCF3498© Geoff Wilkinson

Terilla Bernard reports on the lively debate at last month’s combined Wanstead Park and Wanstead Village Safer Neighbourhoods Team meeting and urges more residents to join the next one

February’s meeting was chaired by the Wanstead Village ward chair and in attendance were residents of both wards, along with an Epping Forest ranger, Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) officers and Councillor Emma Shepherd-Mallinson.

The meeting reviewed the data submitted by the SNTs from both wards in relation to various crimes, including burglary, theft and theft from motor vehicles. Wanstead Village has more incidents in terms of theft and antisocial behaviour, primarily due to the High Street environment.

The attendance of the councillor was welcomed and serves to ensure our local representatives hear first-hand the issues facing residents. A lively debate was had, not only about data analysis, outcomes and potential remedies but also about the need to encourage more residents to attend these quarterly SNT meetings. 

Our two wards are deemed to be in the lower percentiles for crime compared to other Redbridge wards. There were 74 crimes reported in Wanstead Village ward in December and 47 in Wanstead Park, compared to 300 in Ilford Town. It was discussed that such low numbers could potentially be attributed to under-reporting, with the belief of residents that police would not attend due to other priorities. Residents tend to more readily report crime and antisocial behaviour on their social networks and local chat groups. Residents at the meeting were therefore encouraged to remind their peers to formally report all crime so the data can better reflect the area and the need for more officers.

At the end of the meeting, both wards agreed on their priorities for the next quarter. For Wanstead Village, that includes reducing traffic offences on the High Street and reducing antisocial behaviour at Snaresbrook station. For Wanstead Park, the priorities include reducing theft of motor vehicles from key streets in the ward (Wanstead Park Avenue and Northumberland Avenue), reducing burglaries and tackling antisocial behaviour on Wanstead Flats.

It was also agreed the next meeting would be a joint one again, but with individual ward meetings still being planned going forwards.

I do hope this article will pique interest and we see more people at the next meeting in May to make a meaningful and effective contribution to improving our community’s safety. As always, it will be a resident-led meeting, and by attending, you will have a say in setting the next priorities for your ward.

The next joint Wanstead Village and Wanstead Park SNT ward panel meeting will take place on 16 May from 7pm at Wanstead House, 21 The Green, E11 2NT.

To contact the local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams, visit wnstd.com/snt

Author: Editor