Ahead of the Friends of Wanstead Parkland’s AGM in April, chairman Peter Brimson provides an overview of some of the improvement works that are likely to take place in the
The Renters’ Rights Bill will make several significant changes to the private rented sector, explains James Harrison from local solicitors Edwards Duthie Shamash
Local artist Leia Darla Davies had a connection with art from a very early age and is now looking to collaborate with other creatives in the local area as part
From the London Marathon in April to Warsaw Ironman in June, local runner Caroline Frith is taking on an incredible series of endurance challenges in aid of charity, and refusing
The latest Wanstead Butterfly and Moth Report celebrates the diversity of moths recorded in the area, including only the fourth Light Crimson Underwing (pictured here) ever seen in Essex. Tim Harris
Often cited as the nation’s most popular prime minister, Winston Churchill – who died 60 years ago – was one of the most significant figures of the 20th century. He
In the 44th of a series of articles, David Bird discusses the work of Redbridge Music Society and introduces flautist Daniel Shao and pianist Simon Callaghan, who will perform in Wanstead
Recent changes to local bus routes have impacted the lives of many local residents. In the third of a series of articles, 14-year-old Riku Fryderyk reflects on the day ITV
Terilla Bernard reports on the lively debate at last month’s combined Wanstead Park and Wanstead Village Safer Neighbourhoods Team meeting and urges more residents to join the next one
Acting Inspector Reshma Sher celebrates the opening of a new police hub in Woodford, which she says will improve local policing. Photo by Geoff Wilkinson
Last month, Councillor Paul Canal explained his opposition to the legalisation of assisted dying. As a Humanist, Paul Kaufman is in favour of giving those suffering the choice
Mark Gorman is co-author of a new book exploring the almost forgotten work of unemployed labourers who transformed the local landscape in the late 19th century